Subject-Based Programs
- Classes are offered according to students' needs and abilities.
- Preparatory classes for domestic and overseas universities are offered.
- Classes focused on preparation for various contests and certificates are provided.
- Classes aimed at enhancing basic academic ability are offered.
- 70 to 100-minute classes are offered one to four times a week after the regular class hours.
- Courses for After-School II
¡¡¡æ Reading and Discussion, Comprehensive Essay Writing (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced), Interview and Essay,
¡¡ ¡¡Korean for CSAT, Korean Grammar, English for CSAT, Media English and Discussion, TOEFL, TEPS, Math for CSAT, Biology,
¡¡ ¡¡Science Club, Korean History, etc.

¡ØCSAT£ºCollege Scholastic Ability Test

Preparatory programs for studying abroad and special programs for improving academic ability
- Preparatory courses for overseas universities and diverse foreign language courses are offered.
- Ungraded courses are provided to match individual students' needs and abilities.
- 70 to 100-minute classes are offered one to four times a week after the regular class hours.
- Courses for After-School III
¡¡¡æ SAT: Critical Reading (Beginner and Intermediate Level), Critical Reading and Writing, Critical Reading and Grammar
¡¡¡æ AP: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Biology, Chemistry, Calculus BC, Human Geography, Music Theory
¡¡¡æ Foreign Languages: Spanish (DELE Alto, DELE Bajo), Latin, German