Seoul Global High School has a students¡¯ self-governing system which are divided into three branches: administration, legislature, and judiciary. This self-governing system is operated by the Student Council, Student Congress, and Student Court. By providing students with opportunities to self-govern their own lives at school and at dormitory, they will be able to practice democracy and a mature sense of citizenship from early on.

Student Council The Student Council is the students¡¯ administrative institution. Each year, one president and two vice-presidents are directly elected by the students under the running-mate system. The Student Council consists of five departments: General Affairs Department, Planning Department, Administrative Department, Public Relations Department, Education Department.
Student Congress The goal of the Student Congress is to promote students¡¯ rights and improve the school environment. The members of the congress are the class presidents and vice-presidents. They meet once a month for an assembly.
Student Court The Student Court oversees if the school and the dormitory policies are carried out justly. The court can intervene in the disciplinary decisions and verify if students are fairly represented.